
Zaragoza SchoolHouse


En esta página encontrarás todos los documentos necesarios para la inscripción de tu hijo o hija en Zaragoza SchoolHouse. 

Matrícula abierta todo el año.

ZSH Impreso de matrícula

Our code of ethics reflects the spirit and values of the behavior of our staff, as well as our staff in practices.

ZSH Protección de datos

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is now an essential resource to support learning and teaching.

ZSH Domiciliación SEPA

The health, safety, and wellbeing of all our children are of paramount importance to all the adults who work at the Zaragoza SchoolHouse.

ZSH Autorización imágenes

This Code of Conduct is designed to give clear guidance on the standards of behaviour all staff are expected to observe.

ZSH Middle School

The health, safety, and wellbeing of all our children are of paramount importance to all the adults who work at the Zaragoza SchoolHouse.

ZSH Autorización general excursiones

This Code of Conduct is designed to give clear guidance on the standards of behaviour all staff are expected to observe.

ZSH Justificante ausencia

The health, safety, and wellbeing of all our children are of paramount importance to all the adults who work at the Zaragoza SchoolHouse.

ZSH Impreso Summer Camp

This Code of Conduct is designed to give clear guidance on the standards of behaviour all staff are expected to observe.

Ven a conocer Zaragoza SchoolHouse
Colegio internacional Montessori en Zaragoza