Legal Notice
PESTALOZZI S.C., con N.I.F. Nº F99385213, titular del centro educativo ZARAGOZA SCHOOLHOUSE, (en adelante Zaragoza SchoolHouse) y domicilio fiscal en calle Vía Ibérica 67, 50012 Zaragoza, en calidad de titular de la página web, de conformidad con las prescripciones establecidas en la normativa de la Unión Europea y de España de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal y en la Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico 34/2002 de 11 de julio, le informa sobre las condiciones legales de este sitio web.
In general terms, the relationship between Zaragoza SchoolHouse, and its users, derived from the use of the services contained in this website, are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.
Accessing this website implies knowledge and acceptance of the following terms and conditions.
Términos de uso y Condiciones Generales
El acceso a este sitio web es responsabilidad exclusiva de los usuarios.El acceso y navegación en este sitio web supone aceptar y conocer las advertencias legales, condiciones y términos de uso contenidas en él.
The sending of unsolicited bulk email or unsolicited bulk email (SPAM) to email accounts used on this website is prohibited.
It is forbidden to use this website for commercial purposes or in an inappropriate manner according to its own purpose.
The user may not access this website in such a way as to damage, deteriorate, render useless or overload the services and/or information offered.
Actualidad y Modificación de la información
La información que aparece en este sitio web es la vigente en la fecha de su última actualización. Zaragoza SchoolHouse se reserva el derecho a actualizar, modificar o eliminar la información de este sitio web, pudiendo limitar o no permitir el acceso al mismo.
Zaragoza SchoolHouse reserves the right to make, at any time, as many changes and modifications as it deems appropriate, being able to make use of this right at any time and without prior notice.
Zaragoza SchoolHouse realiza los máximos esfuerzos para evitar cualquier error en los contenidos que pudieran aparecer en este sitio web.
Zaragoza SchoolHouse assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may exist between the printed documents and the electronic version published on this website. In case of discrepancy between the printed version and the one published on the website, the printed version will prevail.
Zaragoza SchoolHouse is not responsible in any way for those contents, commercial activities, products and services included that may be visualized by means of electronic links, directly or indirectly, through this website. The presence of links on this website of Zaragoza SchoolHouse, unless expressly stated otherwise, is for information purposes only, and therefore in no case implies a suggestion, invitation or recommendation about them. These links do not represent any type of relationship between Zaragoza SchoolHouse and the individuals or companies that own the websites that can be accessed through these links. Zaragoza SchoolHouse reserves the right to withdraw unilaterally and at any time the links that appear on its website.
Navegación, acceso y seguridad
Zaragoza SchoolHouse realiza los máximos esfuerzos para que la navegación se realice en las mejores condiciones y evitar los perjuicios de cualquier tipo que pudiesen ocasionarse durante la misma.
Zaragoza SchoolHouse makes no representations or warranties that access to this website will be uninterrupted or error free. Nor does Zaragoza SchoolHouse make any representations or warranties that the content or software that may be accessed through this website is error-free or will cause damage. In no event shall Zaragoza SchoolHouse be liable for any loss, damage or harm of any kind arising from access to and use of this website, including but not limited to, loss, damage or harm caused to computer systems or caused by the introduction of viruses. Zaragoza SchoolHouse is not responsible for any damages that may be caused to users by improper use of this website.
Zaragoza SchoolHouse ensures that the presentation of all the essential contents and functionalities of the website is independent of the physical devices and web browsers used for this purpose, coded with technical standards of free and free use, and accessible to browsers adapted for people with disabilities or sensory, motor or cognitive limitations. It is recommended to use recent version browsers.
Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial
Este sitio web y los contenidos que alberga se encuentran protegidos por las leyes de Propiedad Intelectual. No podrán ser objeto de explotación, reproducción, distribución, modificación, comunicación pública, cesión o transformación. El acceso a este sitio web no otorga a los usuarios derecho, ni titularidad alguna sobre los derechos de propiedad intelectual de los contenidos que alberga este sitio web.
Zaragoza SchoolHouse does not transfer ownership of its software to users. Zaragoza SchoolHouse retains all industrial and intellectual property rights including the software. If you transfer software from this website to your terminal, you may not dissect it for study, decompile it, translate the original object code version or its language to another code or language.
The trade name, trademarks, logo, products and services contained in this website are protected by law.
Zaragoza SchoolHouse reserves the right to take legal action against users who violate or infringe the rights of intellectual and industrial property.
Información sobre COOKIES
En cumplimiento de la Ley 34/2002 de 11 de julio de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico, le informamos de la utilización de cookies en la web de Zaragoza SchoolHouse con el fin de facilitar y mejorar la navegación de los usuarios, recordando por donde navegó en nuestro sitio web, las preferencias y configuraciones de visualización, y ofreciendo a cada usuario información que pueda ser de su interés.
A cookie is a tool used to send data from a website to the user's web browser. They play an essential role in the provision of many information society services. Among others, they allow a website to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information obtained, they can be used to improve the service offered. Zaragoza SchoolHouse uses these cookies for operational reasons (e.g. session cookies), and for ease of use, to make browsing the website more user-friendly, for example, to remember aspects of the user such as language, country, browser, etc. Certain cookies are essential for the user to use our services.
Cookies can be stored on the hard drive of the user's computer in such a way that he/she can be recognized when returning to our website. In any case, there is always the possibility for the user to specify in their browser preferences that they wish to receive a warning before accepting any cookies. Likewise, from their browser, users can also exercise their right to delete or deactivate cookies.
Type of Cookies:
Depending on who is the entity that manages the domain from which cookies are sent and treat the data obtained can distinguish two types: own cookies and third-party cookies.
Taking into account the length of time they remain stored in the user's browser, they may be session cookies or persistent cookies.
And finally, depending on the purpose for which the data obtained is processed, we distinguish between technical cookies, personalization cookies, analysis cookies, advertising cookies and behavioral advertising cookies.
For more information in this regard you can consult the Guide on the use of cookies from the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
Cookies used on our website:
Strictly necessary cookiesWe use session cookies strictly necessary for the proper use of our website, allowing access to sections that have security filters. Without these cookies, many of the services available would not be operational. If you delete or disable these cookies, you will not be able to visit this website. They are temporary cookies that are not stored on the user's device, but disappear when the session ends.
Navigation CookiesThese cookies collect information about the use that visitors make of the web, for example, page views, loading errors ... It is generic and anonymous information which does not include personal data or collect information that identifies visitors, the ultimate goal being to improve the functioning of the web. By visiting our website, you accept the installation of these cookies on your device.
Functional CookiesThese cookies allow you to remember information (language, the region you are in, etc.) and more personal characteristics. For example, the ability to offer personalized content based on information and criteria that you have voluntarily provided. These cookies can also be used to remember changes made to text size, fonts and other customisable parts of the website. They are also used to provide some requested services, such as watching a video. The information these cookies collect may be anonymous and your activity may not be tracked on other websites. By visiting our website, you agree to the installation of these cookies on your device.
Cookies used by external content pluginsWe use Google Maps as an add-on to some of its applications to display our office geographically. Google Maps generates two types of cookies (NID and PREF) for its internal operation and are managed entirely by Google.
Analytical CookiesWe use Google Analytics, a web analytics service developed by Google that stores cookies to compile statistics on traffic and volume of visits to our website. Google undertakes not to share the information with third parties, except where necessary for the operation of the system or where required by law. You can find more information about this and disable the use of these cookies in:
Cookies used by social networksCookies used by social networks: to the extent that use is made of "social plugins", our website allows the user to connect to Twitter to allow the user to share with their social circle those contents that are of interest to them. This also prevents the user from providing their personal data to our website by taking advantage of the information already shared within the scope of this social network.
Configuration and acceptance of cookies:
When you access our website for the first time, you will see a window where you are informed of the use of cookies and where you can consult this "Cookies Policy", on the entry page you have the option of giving or withholding your consent to the cookies used by this website. In the event that you accept these cookies, this notice will not be displayed again when accessing any page of the portal during the current session.
You as a user have the possibility to exercise your right to block, delete and refuse the use of cookies at any time by modifying your browser options.
For example:
- Internet ExplorerTools > Internet Options > Privacy > Settings. For more information, you can consult Microsoft support or the browser's Help.
- Firefox: Tools > Options > Privacy > History > Custom Settings. For more information, you can consult Mozilla support or the browser's Help.
- ChromeSettings > Show advanced options > Privacy -> Content settings. For more information, you can consult Google support or the browser's Help.
- SafariSafari: Preferences > Security. For more information, you can refer to Apple support or browser Help.
- OperaSettings > Options > Advanced > Cookies For more information, you can consult Opera support or the browser's Help.
If you use a browser other than those listed above, please consult its policy on the installation, use and blocking of cookies.
In the case of blocking or not accepting the installation of cookies, it is possible that certain services are not available without the use of these or that you cannot access certain services or take full advantage of all that our websites and applications offer you.
This website is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the privacy policies that third parties mentioned in this cookie policy may have.
In case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this legal notice will be Spanish law.
(adapted to the RGPD 2016/679)
¿Quién es el Responsable del tratamiento?
Responsable del Tratamiento: es Pestalozzi S.Coop. (Colegio Zaragoza SchoolHouse); N.I.F. Nº F99385213; Dirección postal: Vía Ibérica 67 Zaragoza; teléfono: 976 580 452; Dirección electrónica: ; te informa que los datos de carácter personal que nos proporciones a través de este sitio web serán tratados de conformidad con la normativa vigente en materia de protección de datos de carácter personal de la Unión Europea y de España.
The data provided by the user must be accurate and respond truthfully to the current situation of the person concerned. The user who enters the data is solely and ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the information provided on our website.
¿Para qué tratamos los datos personales que nos facilitas?
Las finalidades principales del tratamiento de tus datos personales son las siguientes:
We process the data you provide through our website to contact you and respond to the request (information sent to interested parties will not be considered commercial communication, provided that its purpose is to maintain the existing relationship between the user and our center).
When you apply for a place for your children in this centre, we process the information you provide us with in order to manage the admission process, enrolment and/or school management of your children/children in our centre.
If you authorize us to do so, we will use the contact information you provide to send you information of interest about the auxiliary services that the center offers for your children. This information may be sent by any means, including electronic means.
¿Cuál es la legitimación para el tratamiento de los datos personales?
– La ejecución de medidas precontractuales para dar respuesta a tu petición.
- – The execution of a contract to handle admissions, enrollment and/or school management.
- – Consent to send you information of interest about the centre's services by any means, including electronic means.
¿Durante cuánto tiempo conservaremos los datos personales?
Podremos conservar los datos personales una vez finalizada toda relación con el alumno del centro para el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones legales. En concreto, de conformidad con la Orden ECI/1845/2007 de 19 de junio, el centro está obligado a la custodia del historial académico de Educación primaria.
No automated decision-making or profiling is foreseen. There are no plans to transfer data to third countries.
¿Quiénes son nuestros Encargados del tratamiento?
Para poder prestarte un servicio adecuado y gestionar la relación contractual, hemos contratado a las siguientes categorías de encargados del tratamiento que tratarán tus datos por cuenta de Zaragoza SchoolHouse: servicios de asesoría fiscal y laboral, servicios de auditoría y consultoría, servicios de consultoría informática y servicios de hosting. Lugar de prestación de los servicios: España.
¿Cuáles son tus derechos?
Tienes derecho a obtener información sobre si Zaragoza SchoolHouse está tratando tus datos personales (derecho de acceso), a solicitar la rectificación de los datos inexactos (derecho de rectificación) o su supresión cuando los datos ya no sean necesarios para la ejecución del contrato (derecho de supresión), a la limitación, en determinadas circunstancias, de su tratamiento (derecho a la limitación del tratamiento), a recibir los datos personales facilitados que te incumban o a solicitar que se lo enviemos a otro responsable del tratamiento de tu elección, en un formato estructurado de uso común y lectura mecánica (derecho a la portabilidad de los datos), así como a retirar en cualquier momento el consentimiento prestado para recibir información de interés por cualquier medio (derecho de oposición). Puedes ejercitar tus derechos dirigiéndote por escrito a la dirección postal o electrónica del Responsable del Tratamiento, conforme a lo establecido en los artículos 15 a 22 del RGPD 2016/679. Para ejercitar tus derechos, acompaña a tu solicitud una copia de tu DNI o documento equivalente acreditativo de tu identidad.
If you consider that the processing of your data infringes the applicable personal data protection regulations, you can lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority.
Disponibilidad de la Política de Protección de Datos
Zaragoza SchoolHouse proporcionará a los usuarios los recursos técnicos adecuados para que, con carácter previo a la entrega de los datos personales, puedan acceder a esta Política de Protección de Datos o a cualquier otra información relevante, y puedan prestar su consentimiento a fin de que Zaragoza SchoolHouse proceda al tratamiento automatizado de los datos personales de los usuarios.
Actualidad y modificación de la información
La información que aparece en este sitio web es la vigente en la fecha de su última actualización. Zaragoza SchoolHouse se reserva la facultad de efectuar, en cualquier momento, cuantos cambios y modificaciones estime convenientes, sobre todo para adecuarse a cualquier cambio normativo en materia de protección de datos de la Unión Europea y de España, pudiendo hacer uso de tal facultad en cualquier momento y sin previo aviso.