(3-6 years)
The school is a fundamental part of children's life development, a natural continuation of home life, hence the name Children's House.
- Age: 3-6 years old
- Teacher/student ratio - 1:12
- Classroom of 80m2
- Natural light and large windows overlooking the garden
- Target language: English
- Montessori work cycle: 3h
Early childhood education in our classroom Children's home
Children's House is the classroom dedicated to children from 3 to 6 years old. We believe in the importance of space as a factor of growth, and for this reason, it is a beautiful and large space of 80 m2, harmonious and well equipped with plenty of Montessori educational materials. In this classroom of our nursery school, children develop their autonomy and independence. develop their autonomy and independence and work on educational principles such as advanced math and language concepts through manipulation and the senses. manipulation and the senses..
Early childhood education in English and specific adult care
In addition, the language used in the classroom is English. and the educational work is carried out by two adult educators: the Montessori guide and the Montessori assistant. The teacher/pupil ratio in our center is small, 1:12, and allows for a personalized attention to each child's personalized attention to the development of each child.
An educational proposal for the personal and community development of children.
Based on the scientific experience of Montessori pedagogy Montessori pedagogypedagogy, this classroom is prepared to favor the academic and personal development of the children. We take care of the environment with abundant natural light and constant ventilation, involving the students in its maintenance and care.
The role of responsible adults in the classroom
The Montessori guide and assistant organize the work in the classroom and address in depth the development of essential psychomotor skills, linguistic concentration and mathematical development. development of essential psychomotor skills, linguistic concentration and mathematical development..
In the classroom of Children's home, children can work on their own, concentrate and work through effort and repetition or perform complex operations with manipulative materials.
In addition, the environment allows for social interaction between the children. In this way, they develop the ability to cooperate with their peers and learn respect for their peers. respect for the rest of their peers.
International Education
The educational program of Children's Houseas well as the rest of the educational cycles at Zaragoza SchoolHouse, is part of an international curriculum common to all the Montessori AMI schools..
English is the working and vehicular language in the classroom. This language is worked in a playful way through Montessori materials, songs and games. In addition, we reinforce the English teaching at this age group with the recognized Jolly Phonics.
Find out more about life in our Montessori classrooms by reading our Frequently Asked Questions.
Areas of work in the classroom:
Organizing the classroom in an environment prepared for social interactions is key to meeting the developmental needs of children between the ages of 3 and 6. All the areas that are worked on are the following:
Practical life
Activities allow children to experience the pleasure of doing things on their own. This autonomy is developed through repetition and coordination exercises that improve their ability to concentrate and gain confidence in their abilities. in their abilities. These are tasks of autonomy and care of the environment that transmit to them the importance of effort and work, qualities necessary for their future academic development.
In this area we train and refine the different senses. Through practice and activities, children acquire the ability to differentiate between shapes, sounds, colors, textures and tastes.. Thanks to this, they acquire greater refinement of the physical environment, as well as a great power of observation, a very useful skill for future academic explorations.
The Montessori material allows the development of the child's mathematical mind in an advanced way.. From the simplest learning such as counting or recognizing numbers, to the most complex such as working with the decimal system or the hierarchies of numbers through games and manipulation. It is a learning process that deepens the understanding of mathematical conceptsfundamental for work in elementary school.
Students are exposed to a wide range of language in the classroom with the goal of the objective of acquiring a precise vocabulary from the beginning of their from the beginning of their academic life. The phonetic approach supports them in reading words and phrases and books adapted to their cognitive development. In addition, the Montessori writing system supports them in cursive handwriting with motivating materials such as sandpaper such as sandpaper letters or sand trays.
Experience shows us that, from an early age, children are able to understand science and the world around us. At Zaragoza SchoolHouse we introduce geography, botany and zoology at Children's House. We also we carry out simple experiments working with different materials and other key resources.
Art and music
Artistic and musical development allows the child to expand their language and means of expression, providing them with tools that will support them in the rest of their education. We develop an integrated curriculum throughout all stages that shapes their aesthetic and musical sense, facilitating artistic creation and the learning of musical language..